
Why should I study in Türkiye…?

  1. QUALITY HIGHER EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Turkey is the second country in the world in access to higher education with 94.2% schooling rate. Türkiye involved in European Higher Education Area is implementing the Bologna Process in a perfect way; our Bologna report is 5 out of 5. So, the diploma you receive from a university…
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All about High school and LGS in Turkey

So hello everybody this blog is going to be based on the high school and LGS exam in turkey this blog is mostly for students that are interested to study in a Turkish school or parents that are interested in admitting their children in a Turkish curriculum school so lets begin So what is LGS…
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LIVING IN TURKEY An increasing number of people from various parts of the world are moving to Turkey to start a new life, to work, or even to find peace of mind for their retirements. The country has developed dramatically in the last seventeen years, and the pace of progress in certain fields is nothing…
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Acquiring Property and Citizenship

ACQUIRING PROPERTY AND CITIZENSHIP Image Source What Foreigners Looking to Acquire Real Estate in Turkey Need to Know In Turkey, acquisition of property ownership titles may only be approved upon registration at the land registry directorates. Preliminary real estate contracts, issued by notaries or entered into by natural persons in writing, do not confer transfer…
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Tax Number

How to get Tax Number (Vergi Numarası) A tax number is the essential ID number for each registration and financial transaction in Turkey. A Tax Identification Number is a ten-digit number assigned to individuals. Foreigners should have a tax number for; opening a bank account, buying a property, subscribing for utility services, issuing insurance, getting health…
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